Posts tagged ‘brand’

March 21, 2010

I am about to take the plunge…(ish)

No. I’m not getting married as soon as I turn 16. But I am about to buy my first Mac. After much deliberation, then some more, and some more, I have finally made up my mind. I am soon to purchase a brand new, 21.5″ iMac.

Now, these certainly cost a lot of money, especially for those still in school. But I have always regarded them highly (from afar with little real knowledge), so have decided to buy one for myself. I am very much looking forward to it. I like the brand, the design, and the products.

It has to be said I am not the most technical, am very much attracted by aesthetics, and often throw myself right into buying something once I set my eyes on it, albeit very slowly. I am pretty much a gullible, shallow, advertiser’s dream when it comes to retail. But despite their high price tag and sometimes controversial reputation, many people are avid, dedicated fans. To me, this shows that they must be worth the investment. So I am buying one. I will let you know. The end.