Posts tagged ‘thanks’

January 19, 2010

Poo! (A Short Dedication to my Readers/Critics)

Hi to all of you that apply. Well if you’re reading this then you do apply. Anyway, just a quick mention to the people who have read my blog and fed back to me:

-My brother Matty, who told me “It’s lovely, honest.” This blog has a poo theme in honour of him;

-My friend and fellow blogger Andrew, who provides more frequent, funny and relevant posts than me. Check out his page;

-Another friend and proof reader, Megan. She corrected the misspelling of ‘recommend’ on the 15th Jan post. Vital;

-Anybody else who has read and/or commented on my blog. Thanks!

So there we go. If you need a reason to bother reading/commenting, here is one. I will show gratitude and appreciation to you all.
