Posts tagged ‘thoughts’

January 15, 2010

Trivial Thoughts of a Teen

Tonight I can think of absolutely nothing of any interest to write about. I have updated my blog once a day since I started it out of a desire to share my thoughts, but after a mere 4 days my mind has reached its capacity for imaginative prose. So instead, I am going to ask you, my loyal fanbase of Andrew plus one, to write my blog for me. Only not so directly. I am going to write a small paragraph of fiction, to start off. Then I would like anyone who reads this post to add their follow-up paragraph in the comments section. Hopefully this will be an ongoing thing, for a short time at least, that makes my blog more interesting and more interactive for the reader. So here we go…

Walking through the park at dusk, as crisp autumn leaves rustle in tall trees overhead, I glance over my shoulder every so often. Just in case. I have learnt to be cautious around here, especially when heading out in darkness. But however anxious I might be, I must do it. I have no choice in the matter, after all. If I don’t find them, they won’t stop until they find me…